Wednesday 19 January 2011

The taking of the pictures for the poster

We took the pictures fro the poster in one of our lessons. As a group, we looked at the possible people who we could take picture off, to suit the characters we had imaged, and from this, used what we taught would be the most suitable pair of students for the piece.

We started off by taking photos of the character Jessica, holding up a knife to her back. We did this because of the recurring theme throughout the film, and also because of the knife being part of the iconography of the thriller genre and Jessica's relevance to the knife in the film.

We then decided to use the character of Micheal in the film. This is because he had a significant part to plan in the life of Jessica, the protagonist. We decided to include him due to the relevance with his character and the knife.

The first image you can see here is of both the characters. We decided that this would be one of the possible pictures we would use for the poster, due to the relevance of both characters being used in the poster. You can also see that both characters are facing away from the camera, which also sends a negative message to the audience.

This image is very similar photo to the one used in the first option except for the lighting being a little bid darker. This picture was trying to put across the same message as the photo showed in image 1. Again with both the characters looking away from the camera.

Again this picture is similar to the first, except for the fundamental difference in the fact that the character Micheal is looking at the camera. This makes the character look confident, and ensures that the audiences notices his presence. You can also see that the character of Jessica is looking in the direction of Micheal, holding the knife behind her back, indicating to the audience that she could use this against him at some point. This leaves the audience wanting to know what will happen.

This photo again is much like the photo you can see above, except for like the first two photos, this one is slightly brighter. We did this so we would have an option to choose the photo which put across the message we wanted to send the most.

In this photo we have reversed the characters around. This gives the character of Micheal a more authoritative presence. Once again you can see that the character of Jessica is turned away from the camera, making her a mysterious character in the photo, and also once again she is holding the knife, due to the genre of the film, and also again indicating that this could play a major part in the film.

This photo is the same as the one above, however we have added the effect of the colour red. This colour indicates a few things. Passion, blood and romance. Three themes that could be involved in these characters life's throughout the film. It is also a colour commonly used in the genre of horror.

This is the other photo that we used as a possible poster option. It shows just the character of Jessica without the character of Micheal in the film. Again you can see the knife in the photo, which as i said before is part of the iconography of the thriller genre. However we couldn't use this image on the poster as it wasnt clear enough, so we came up with the image shown below.

In this image you can see that we have made the character Jessica a lot more clear by brightening the whole photo, and then taking out the background and turning it into white. The makes the image a lot more easier to add effects to in the photo and add other images to the photo.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Title options

Wordle: ross

The favorite title in this Wordle would be 'digital redemption'. There are several different reasons for this. The first of these is the contrast from one work, to the other. The word 'digital' is usually given negative connotations. However, the work redemption has many positive features. It points out the fact that during the film, there will be moments of hope, and that it should turn out to be a good end. I have also take the word rede4mption from different film titles, such as shoreshank redemption.

There were a couple of other possible film titles that I could use. These were titles such as 'The peers from hell' and 'the lucky click', however neither of these title seemed as relevant to the film as 'digital redemption'.

Wordle: ross 2