Tuesday 15 February 2011

Group Change

Due to departure of several members of the other media group in my Media class, my teacher suggested I join the remaining one. Their teasr teaser trailer will be for a thriller but the principles of marketing a movie remain the same, and the target audiences for both genres are very similar. Here is the pitch for the new teaser I will be working on: Our story is based on a schizophrenic mass murderer. He chooses women as his targets, possibly because they're desirable and seductive. He is out searching for his next victim when he stumbles across a woman called Jessica. During his mischeavous flirtation, he falls for her, which in his case is not a great thing to do. This is because he now goes about murdering other woman in her place. Little does he know that Jessica is aware of his wrong-doings, and is trying exact revenge for her best-friend, the murderers latest victim. Soon after, his repressed desires of murdering Jessica overcome him and he can wait no longer. As he approaches Jessica, knife in hand, Jessica turns around and reveals what she intended to do. But instead kisses him passionately to make him believe she would not do anything to him, as they are embracing she thrusts the knife into his back. As he falls, he lashes out in an effort to kill Jessica, but instead slices her across the chest.
Somehow she survives the ordeal, but will never forget her murderous lover.