Tuesday 23 November 2010

My Pitch

The film is based around a character who seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is supposedly a badly behaved character who is always getting into trouble, and also causing trouble, yet he is actually just the unfortunate one who has become involved with the wrong people. Truthfully, he is a charming young man, who cares for people and wants the right things to happen, but has formed his friendships with the worst possible people, who eventually end up driving him to expulsion.

The film will start with the voice of an old, yet very proper man. this will be over the image of a study door. The scene will then go on to introducing the headmaster, and the main character. It is in this part of the film that you find out he has been expelled. The film then goes into the scene of the boy trying to briefly explain himself, and then leaving, on the way out, bumping into his friend who pushed him to this outcome.

You then have the scene of the boy on his phone, wondering how he is going to call his parents. He will call his parents, but then immediately hangs up, only to send them a short text telling them he is on his way home. You then see the buy slowly begin to cry, beginning to understand what has just happened.

The next scene is him arriving home. in this scene, the boys breaks the news to his parents, only to find that they are to sick with disappointment for them to even tell him off. Instead they just ask him to remove himself from their presence for the near future. This is not what the boy was expecting, however makes him feel even worse than if they were to tell him off.

The last scene is the boy sitting in his room, trying to think of some kind of positive, but instead just becoming more upset, and again he begins to cry. He decides that the only thing he has left are his friends, and so he opens his laptop with the intent of going onto facebook, for an annoying pop up to come up. However, this pop up is unlike most. Its says 'congratulations, you are a winner. click here to begin your new life.' In the circumstances, the boy clicks on the pop up, with a more hopeful look on his face. The film ends here, leaving the audience with a more joyful feeling of everything turning out alright.

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