Wednesday 1 December 2010

The marketing of a Teen Film

There are many different ways to market a teen film. Here is the link to a website that tells you the whole marketing process for Youth in Revolt which is a well known teen movie.

There are many different ways to market a movie. You can  market them using several different techniques, which are usually all linked with either a meaning of a theme. In the case of Youth in Revolt, this is teen rebellion, which is usually a source of great stories. You can market a film using posters, trailers, online, advertising, cross promotion, media and publicity.

One of the main marketing techniques that they used in Youth in Revolt was through the poster, which is shown above. They used the theme of teen rebellion through all of their marketing techniques, but especially in the poster.  You can see several different images on this poster showing the teen rebellion, designed to woo the person looking at the image into to wanting to see the film. The first and probably most obvious thing in this poster of this film is the girl. This shows a good looking girl with a my bad lolly, which portrays a rebellious look. They have also mention the rebellious theme in the title of the film, using the word Revolt, and again in the quote at the top of the poster saying 'he wasn't a rebel until he found his cause'. All of these factors contribute to making the film seem more interesting and more desirable.

The trailer in this film also portrays that rebellious image. The majority of the trailer is showing the comic moments in the film, which is another way to attract the audience, however the rebellious theme is also used to attract the audience. You see how the boy is being chases by cops, due to his so called alter ego who he created to become more of a rebel in order to attract this girl. The trailer shows certain incidents during the film where the more rebellious alter ego is causing trouble, inviting the viewer into wanting to find out the conclusion to the situation. This is a clever marketing technique, used in all the aspects of the Youth in Revolt marking process.

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