Thursday 9 December 2010

The Treatment For my original film idea

A Short Summary of my film:

The film is a short story about a good boy, who is unfortunate enough tho have become involved with the wrong people, and consequently is always ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time. His life seems to be spiraling to disaster, being expelled from school and falling out with his parents and friends, until suddenly a significant event changes his life forever.

Our target audience:

The film has a cast of mainly teenagers, and a very few amount of adults, meaning that I have decided to aim the film at people aged 16 - 25. This target audience is also the largest target audience, viewing the most amount of films, meaning that our film should be widely screened. The film also has moments which this target audience will be able to relate to, with peer issues and even school issues. Something that every teenager has gone through once or twice. In terms of race and gender i would say my film was aimed at a varity. It would probably be viewed my male Caucasians the most, from a middle class background, however I am not aiming the film at any certain class, or race.

 Audience appeals:

The film should have one major appeal point. This is the fact that our audience, or at least our target audience should be able to relate to certain parts of the film. For example, our film is all about the struggles that our character goes through, scaling from arguments with his parents, expulsion from school and ultimately, having troubles with his peers. People will be able to relate to some of these things, making the film a more emotional process rather than an exciting process.


Even when everything looks down, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.

The Poster:

For the poster I have decided to do a picture of the main actors face in a pop up, within another pop up. This introduces the audience to the main significant event in the film, which is a pop up on the characters computer screen, giving him the option of a new start and a new life. Something that in his case, is once in a life time opportunity.

My Marketing Campaign

My main form of marketing would be through facebook. Because i am aiming the film at 16-25 year olds, I would do the majority of advertising through facebook, which also has a target audience of 16 - 25 year olds. I would make fan pages on facebook, and market shows as events, enabling the target audience to know when the showings of the film were.

Due to the film being low budget, I would show the film in art house theaters, compared to multiplex theaters such as Odean.

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