Tuesday 8 March 2011

Production Log, Pre Production

The pre production stage to our Teaser trailer was an vital part to the making of our teaser trailer. It was vital that we were well organised for the making of the trailer, and that we had a good, well developed understanding of the task ahead of us. This meant that there were several fundamental steps to take before the shot day.

The first and maybe the most important part of the pre production was understanding the ways in which teaser trailers worked, and how they put their points across to the audience. This meant that we had to analyise a couple of different teaser trailers, and in adition, I also analyised a couple of normal trailers, allowing me to be able to compare the two types of trailers together. We then had to find our target audience. In order to do this, we created a questionnaire which we asked to a selection of people from both around our school, and also from outside our school. Our results were conclusive to the fact that our target audience were clearly young teenagers who perferred to watch films that had a narrative based on the thriller conventions.

From the information gathered from the questionnaire we worked on our narative, and from this created a pitch for our class teacher. What we then did as a group was create a title for our piece using the device 'Wordle'. We did this by using lots of different word that could possible be in the title, and from this we got the name 'Deathly Obsessions' which then later in the program changed to 'Deadly Obsessions'.

The next stage to our pre production process was to create a treatment which is waht shows all of our ideas for the piece, in a business plan lay oout. From this we could then get on with the written work such as the scripting of the piece, and the schedual (which you can see in the blog below).

Once we had all this information and had everything organised we got on with writing and drawing our storyboards, which turned out to be one of the most useful stages in our pre production. We visualised every single shot for the trailer, and ten drew them out onto the story board, giving us a more visual idea as to how the piece would look, and it also allowed us a chance to alter any parts of the script which we felt wouldnt work aany more.

Once all of this was complete, we were then ready to shot the film, using aall of the information we had gathered in the pre production process.

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