Sunday 24 April 2011

Rough Cut Analysis

The rough cut is the first edited version of out teaser trailer. It is there so that we can analyze the original cut, and decide what parts of the edit we like, and what parts of the trailer we feel should either be changed, or left out.

I will start with what i disliked about the trailer. There were a couple of things that I disliked about the first edit. The first of these was the sound. It was clear that we had not spent enough time working on making the sounds sharper and making sure that there were less ambient sounds in the piece. For example, at the begging of the trailer you can hear a direction being given to an actor, which will need to be sorted out, and you can also hear a plain in one shot, and then no plane in another. Another addition that needs to be made to the piece is a soundtrack, which will be used to build suspense to the scene, and make the cinematography seem smoother. The whole piece will be easier on the eye for the audience with a decent soundtrack in place.

However, despite these negative points there are also a few positives to feed off. The first of these is the sharpness of the editing from shot to shot. My personal feelings are that the cuts have been done to near perfection, and that we have captured what we were aiming for in this department. From watching the piece over and over again, I have not yet seen an uncomfortable cut, or a forced cut which doesn't seem right. Another part of the first edit that I like is the use of black and white in the flash backs. I feel this distinguishes them apart as flashbacks, compared to the corridor scene being the present.

Overall I feel that the trailer is a decent one, however there is still a way to go before it is finished and ready to be used.

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