Tuesday 10 May 2011

Evaluation 4 - What did you learn from your audience Feedback (annotated video)

After the product was complete, we than had to get on with the feedback. For this we created a questionnaire which would include many different questions shaped towards finding out as much information as we possibly could about what the audience thought of our piece.
We started off with questions like ‘what sex are you?’, ‘how old are you?’ ect ect so we could find out if the people we were asking were our target audience. We then went on to ask about the actual piece, and what they got from the piece, enabling us to understand what we would need to improve the next time round.
One thing that we noticed from our audience feedback was the amount of people who were unclear on whether out product was a standard trailer, giving lots of information on the piece, or a teaser, leaving an element of tease on the viewers mind. This goes to show that maybe we were to unclear on some of the points we were putting across, making it less of a teaser trailer. Another point that was slightly negative, but was constantly being raised in the questionnaires was the quality of the volume in the piece. People were repeatedly saying that they struggled to make out what some of the characters were saying during the flash back scenes, and that although they enjoyed the suspense that the soundtrack created, they though it did drown out the voices at points.
However despite these two negative points constantly occurring, there were also many positive vibes given back in the questionnaire results. The first of these which was mentioned in every single questionnaire was that they actually enjoyed the piece. They all seemed to understand the general points being put across in the teaser, and the vast majority of the audience also felt a large element of tease from it, leaving them wanting to find out firstly what was going to happen, and secondly who the hooded figure was, which were two points we were going for. Another piece of positive feedback was that they though the editing was very good, and precise and slick.
One point which was neither positive nor negative was that the audience sometimes struggled to grasp whether the genre was a horror, or a thriller. However this isn’t necessarily important as long as the audience enjoyed the piece.
Overall the feedback was mainly positive; however the most useful feedback was actually the negative points, as it allows us to understand where we went wrong, and how we would be able to improve this in the future.

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