Tuesday 10 May 2011

Evaluation 2 - How effective is the combonation of your main product and Ancillary texts?

Our main product is based around two specific U.S.P’s. The first of these is the use of major stars in our film. We have assumed that in real life our two actors would be major stars, and so in both the poster and the magazine front cover we have tried to highlight their presence. For example, in the poster you can see that both the main actor and actress are present, which is one of the selling points attracting the audience into watching the film. You can also see this in the magazine cover, as our main actor Tom, is on the front cover, and the articles inside the magazine, are focused around the process that the actors went through during the making of the film. Another one of our U.S.P’s is that the two main characters are supposedly sex icons in real life. ‘Tom’ is a heart throb, which is why we have used a model shot on the front cover, attracting a female audience to want to see the film.
The poster is also heavily linked to our main product through the use of genre. We have created an element of tease and suspense with the poster, by facing the main actress away from the camera, holding a knife. This is also evident when you look the magazine cover, which is heavily linked to the trailer. You can see that Tom addresses the camera with a provocative, sexual, smouldering look, which is part of our U.S.P, of Tom being a heart throbber. This image is also heavily linked to a moment in the film where the character Michael is giving Jessica a sadistic, disturbed look as she walks away from him.
Another U.S.P is the use of a possible female killer, which again is shown in both the main teaser trailer, and the poster. In both products, the use of a knife plays a major part in the message put across. In the poster you can see Jessica holding a knife, with her back turned away from the camera, and this exact same image is how the trailer ends, with Jessica holding a knife, facing away from the camera. Not only does this leave the audience wondering what’s going to happen, but this also creates quiet a sexual dynamic, showing her power and intelligence.

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