Tuesday 10 May 2011

Evaluation 3 - How did you use media technologies in the construction, research and planning, and evaluation stages

There were three main stages throughout our film where we used various different types of technology, starting with the planning stage, the production stage and also during the evaluation stage.
Throughout all of the planning stage we were using different technologies, mainly based around the internet. A fast majority of the planning was done through research and blogging, which is all done through the use of internet. For example, we would research teaser trailers through the use of you tube trailers, and other media blogs, and compare these to our own ideas. We also used various different types of software. Examples of this is through the use of software’s such as Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint, and also Photoshop which was vital during the process of developing our posters, and also our magazine cover. We used the PowerPoint programme for the comparison of our posters, to other film posters, and we did the same with our magazine cover. We also used online software such as slide share, scribd and wordle. The used the software to embed PowerPoint document, such as our comparisons onto the blog. This is also the case for Scribd. The online software Wordle was used to create a title for the piece, which we eventually made deadly obsessions. We also used lots of media technologies in the process of staying communicated with each other in the pre production stage. Considering we are all friends in the group, we could use facebook to message each other, and stay organised. And we could also use e-mails, to keep our schedule organised, and again, keep in touch with the others in the group in order to stay organised.
We also used lots of technologies in the construction stage. The first keys stages where we used technology in the construction process was during the shoot, where we used a Digital Camera. This was obviously used to film the product. We also used a studio and lighting during the shoot days for our magazine shots, and our poster shots. We also had the use of image editing, making the construction of out poster and magazine cover a much easier poster. We also used a digital cam cored for the filming process, along with a tripod, and separate sound equipment, to achieve the best volume quality as possible. These were essential pieces of technology for the result of the end product to be of as higher quality as possible. The editing stage was also a highly technological process, as we completed the whole product on the computer, using adobe premiere non linear editing soft wear.
The use of technology doesn’t stop their. We also used several different features on you tube in the evaluation process such as the annotation feature to annotate our final product. We are also going to record each member of the group, in an interview setting and then add a directors commentary to a separate cut of our product.

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